Webshop of the week Lovely Little One
Some time ago I received a press release about very cool dolls with soft colors and a lovely look. I liked them so much that I immediately went looking for the selling webshop. To my great joy Lovely Little One appeared to sell the dolls of Alimrose.
I came across this beautiful webshop many times before and now I thought it was time to send a message to its owner. And so it happened.
Bblogt loves webshops; Lovely Little One
Lovely Little One is a beautiful webshop with even more beautiful products. From the beautiful dolls of Alimrose to cool cards to send. From cute iron-on applications for shirts to the changing pads from Done by Deer. You can find it all there and each product is carefully selected and added to the webshop. And you see that too.
The webshop looks great, the assortment is wide and diverse and the delivery is very fast. I noticed that when I bought the ironing application for every blogging mother. You have already seen it on my Instagram and in my weekly overview.
So now you know where I got it from.
You understand that I am very happy with this nice webshop and so I like to share it with you. I asked owner Emmy some questions and she likes to tell about Lovely Little One herself.
Lovely Little One
Tell us something about your webshop.
“The genesis of the webshop is actually twofold. I already had a webshop in fairtrade products since 2007. I started this one because I wanted to gain entrepreneurial experience, without having to quit my job. I started looking at what wasn't really there yet in terms of webshops and ended up with fair trade products.
I started (as far as I know) the first Dutch webshop in fair trade products. But in fair trade products my heart was not… I did not have enough fun maintaining the webshop.
Then I got pregnant and searched the internet a lot for nice products for our little one and for the nursery. I made a wish list of products that I liked and wanted to have.Our daughter was a few months old, when I realized that a webshop in products for the nursery and kid's lifestyle was something I would find REALLY FUN. I elaborated on the plan and got started.
The wish list I had drawn up for our daughter's nursery was the basis for the assortment of Lovely Little One. On April 1, 2015 the webshop went live, over a year ago now.”
Where does the name Lovely Little One come from?
“If you have the idea to start a webshop, the next step is to come up with a name. I must say that many names have passed in review. I still have the list of ideas in my phone. Besides the fact that the domain name had to be available, I also wanted a .com domain. We live in Limburg (or actually just across the border in Germany).
This makes it easy for me to deliver parcels to the post office in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. I wanted to focus not only on the Dutch market. Because of this I did not want a Dutch name.
That makes it a bit more difficult to find a suitable name, I can say. I ended up at Lovely Little One. This is a nice catchy and fitting name for a webshop in products for the nursery (I think :-)). “
What nice things can we shop for at your shop?
“Lots of cute stuffed animals and dolls 😉 Lots of cute posters and wall decorations, blankets, quilts, sleeping bags, play mats, children's crockery, hydrophilic towels, changing pads, feeding pillows, bed bumpers, bath capes, wallpaper, cushions, lamps, wall hooks, storage boxes, wall racks, play tents, bath toys, dress-up clothes, toys such as cool cars’ s, flexible car tracks, stacking blocks and much, much more. The assortment is expanded and renewed every time. So it's definitely worth checking out regularly.
You can also like Lovely Little One on Facebook, or follow us on Instagram. Then you will be kept up to date with all the news!”
Where do you get your inspiration from?
“I get my inspiration mainly from the internet. Lots of googling and browsing on instagram. When I started the webshop, I resolved that I would only buy products that I would like to have myself, but in practice it turns out that this is not always entirely possible. For example, if you want to buy from a brand or supplier, there is often a minimum order amount required. Because of this, you sometimes order products to reach this minimum amount, without actually having them on the wish list.
There are still so many nice products I would like to add to the webshop, but it takes time to expand the assortment. But no shortage of inspiration!”
Have a personal favorite? Something not to be missed?
“Yes, absolutely! I have several, but my real personal favorite are the beautiful dolls from Australian brand Alimrose. And especially the cute ballerina’s.
These lovely dolls are not (yet) available in the Netherlands. So besides the fact that they are just super cute, you also will not easily encounter someone with the same doll.”
What is your ultimate dream about Lovely Little One??
“My ultimate dream is to make a living with Lovely Little One. Although the webshop is running well beyond expectations, I certainly can't make a living from it at the moment.
All I am doing is investing: making sure Lovely Little One's assortment expands quickly and making sure Lovely Little One gets more and more name recognition. At the moment I still work 3 days a week for a boss. This means I sometimes have to bend over backwards to get everything done properly and on time.
Orders have to be sent out on time, new stock has to be ordered, mails have to be answered, new products have to be added to the site, etc etc etc. Every available hour is therefore put into the webshop, when our own lovely little one is asleep in her bed. I would love it if one day I could quit my job to work full time with Lovely Little One, because I really enjoy it and have great plans for the future!!”
What will you put on your wish list from Emmy's webshop? I am curious.
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