Made me happy

What made me happy 21

What did we do this week?. Despite the rain we have been very productive and enterprising. We did lots of crafts, went to the Museon, made cupcakes and went to Amsterdam for the day.

A nice overview of the things that made me happy.

What made me happy

  • We made delicious sweet cupcakes. The little man thought it should be whipped cream. Well, then I'm not the hardest.
  • I made some nice scenes for the dining table. It's been standing for a week now and all the chocolate coins are still just sitting there. How clever is that.
  • We did a lot of crafts this week. Our toddler's crafting phase knows no bounds and goes on and on. Last week you could read how we made some cool rockets.

that made me happy

  • Little man really wanted to do some experiments again. Secretly I like this very much so I went to work. We made another cola fountain. We have done this one before and it was a success this time too.
  • I made a Sinterklaas game for the little man. We used marshmallows as pawns. If you come on a golden round you have to sing a song. Whoever gets to the finish line first gets to eat their candy.
  • I shopped a super cute set for the little girl from Tumble ’n Dry.

what made me happy

  • I spent an afternoon at the Museon with the little man. They have another very nice exhibition about baby animals. The volcanoes were cool too.
  • Daisy was looking lovely and charming. A real lady.
  • Yesterday we went to Amsterdam. We started in Nemo, a super fun science and technology museum. One big exploration for kids and you get to touch everything. Then we took another look at Flavourites Live. Enjoy!
  • The sun is showing itself more and more and that makes me feel better! Lovely!

What made you happy this week? Feel free to share, I'm curious!

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