Like every week I share today

Like every week I share today

Like every week I share today what made me happy. This week it was mainly that I can do my daily things again. Horseback riding, going to a concert, coke fountain and playing with the little man. Are you curious what all that entailed?

Read on quickly.

What made me happy

1. As a little girl I often played with the Winkel van Sinkel. A cute little wooden store with drawers full of groceries. Every now and then I take it out of the attic and it gets played with here too.

All mini’s of a famous supermarket there and shopping but. 2. I bought Woezel and Pip writing cards for the little man. Very nice cards from Zwijssen to practice with.

It comes with an erasable marker so he could practice over and over again.
3. Tuesday was finally here. I got to ride my horse again. I really looked forward to it and enjoyed it a lot. I was able to drive until 34 weeks pregnant so it had been almost 12 weeks since my last drive.


what made me happy
4. Wednesday I went with a friend to the concert of Take That. Years ago I was also at the reunion. What a super cool night with lots of nostalgia because of the old songs.
5. A video of the Horse & Hunk calendar. I secretly just watched this on repeat. Shame shame..
6. As part of Children's Book Week we made a cola fountain. We did more experiments, more on that next week.
what made me happy
7. We also made another outdoor ride. Racing through the woods and relaxing steps. Enjoy!
8. With the nice weather we all went to the beach. The men built a sandcastle, I searched for shells with a hole in them and the dogs barked all over the place.
9. I still carry the little girl in the sling every day. Really handy and also very cozy.
10. We enjoy a walk in the woods every day. Fine!

What did you do? What made you happy?

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