What made me happy 34
Those of you who follow Bblogt on Instagram may already have noticed that I had a nice week at Bblogt. Besides all the fun things, I've also been lousy with my new medication. This did not spoil the fun because we could really enjoy the sunshine. That always makes me happy. You too?
Take a look at an overview of the things that made me happy?
What made me happy 34
Last Sunday I finally went to see Woezel & Pip, looking for the slob. Together with the little man I went to the cinema on Valentine's Day. A date with your sweetheart, a bowl of popcorn and a fun movie, what more could a mom ask for on Valentine's Day??
In the evening we turned on the gourmet plate and had a nice dinner with the family. Such spontaneous action’s always make me happy anyway.
The next morning it was nice and fresh and so was this couple. In the pond there was a couple of ducks again. This couple has been visiting regularly for years.
They bob around in the pond, snooze on the island and then they leave again. Very funny.
We were treated to great weather. Little man's best friend was playing with us so we went to the playground. Climbing, scrambling and playing.
The first crocuses are already above ground. Another sign that Spring is on its way. I read today that nature is 6 weeks ahead of schedule, if that goes well.
I saw a great dress with matching hairband on the internet, but it was ridiculously expensive. My mother made this herself. I am so happy.
Size 74, so the little girl can wear this set when we go to Costa Rica.
Unfortunately it started to rain again. The little man did not care at all. Dressed in his overall, snowboots and his winter coat he went outside anyway. Dredging in the sandbox and with the mud kitchen.
Delicious anyway?
My handsome cats. This sweet couple has been inseparable from day one. In this photo I caught them frolicking.
When the little lady comes to watch you have to pretend to be cuddling.
Saturday we went to the Maritime Museum in Rotterdam. This is really a must for children. They can do a lot themselves, play, build, climb and of course take a look at the ships in the harbor.
On the photo by the way, a boat after my heart; the Barge. I love it. 😉
How was your week? What made you happy?
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