Webshop of the week Kids Boetiek
Every now and then it tickles me. I really have to stop myself from going crazy. I would love to buy all the items in one webshop and turn the kids rooms upside down.
If you take a look at this week's webshop, you will want to too! Kids Boutique in fact sells such cool items for the nursery. You would spontaneously change the whole interior every month because of it.
Unfortunately these little shenanigans are quite expensive so I'll stick to daydreaming for now.
Bblogt loves webshops; Kids Boetiek
On Instagram I follow several gems of webshops. Kids Boutique is one of them, a beautiful webshop with even more beautiful stuff. If you are looking for trendy accessories for the (kids) room you should definitely take a look. From rainbow trunks to teepees and from wall stickers to figure lights, they have it all.
One even more beautiful and unique than the other. I was allowed to ask owner Lucie a few questions and she was happy to answer them. Read on and try not to look (and buy) at Kids Boetiek.
Kids Boutique
Tell us something about the origin of your webshop.
“We started the webshop under the name Dozen Boetiek. The idea was to sell everything around storage, for both children and adults. So we had cardboard suitcases, storage boxes, paper storage bags,… but I came across so many other fun things I wanted to offer as well and then I decided to change the name to Kids Boutique and expand.”
Where does the name Kids Boutique come from?
“ The name comes from our first name Dozen Boetiek. I wanted to keep something from the first shop, so I chose to keep boutique and it seemed logical to put kids in front of it. It is easy to pronounce and it refers to children, because we sell fun items for children. And boutique is a ‘nicer’ store, a bit exclusive and that suits our products which are original and not available everywhere.”
What fun can we all shop at your store?
“Storage still plays a big role in our webshop. Therefore we have a large choice of cardboard suitcases, storage boxes, storage bags,… but we also have nice wall stickers, posters, lamps, cushions and unique are with us the teepee’s and also the wooden television and circus cabinets you will not find in many places.”
Where do you get your inspiration from?
“I often see a lot of fun stuff on Instagram, so that is a great source of inspiration. And my daughter inspires me too, she also gives her opinion.”
Do you have a personal favorite? Something not to be missed?
“It is difficult to name a favorite, but then I choose the wooden TV. That is so unique and original, really great for the nursery!”
What is your ultimate dream when it comes to Kids Boetiek?
“I especially want the customers to stay happy, that is always our priority. And we have already started working on the ultimate dream and that is our own collection. At the beginning of April we will release our rainbow trunks.
The dream will come true if the suitcases become a success and are also sold in different countries. So I keep dreaming!”
Have you become enthusiastic?
Just try to leave your shopping cart empty when you take a look in the Kids Boetiek webshop. I am curious to know what you like the most. Please let me know?
What would you definitely want in the nursery?
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