What made me happy 47 parties and quality time
What a week, what a week. A week full of parties and quality time. Quality time with family, friends and with my little ones. I love it but I am exhausted after such days. Ten years ago I recovered within a day from such’n party, now it never comes more good.
Well, we had a great time and I take the pain and fatigue for granted now. Take a look at my week?
What made me happy 47 parties and quality time
Last weekend I enjoyed three days of music, drinks, food, dancing, sleeping in and lots of fun at Pinkpop. Together with the husband, m’s little brother, sister and two dear friends, I had to miss my kids for three days for a wonderful weekend in Limburg. What a great party that was.
After cleaning up and recovering from that weekend, I discovered that I can get the cat hair off the couch in one smooth motion with a rubber glove! I made a dance because those hairs are always a misery.
After having the fabric lying around for a long time I finally had time to make a shirt out of it. The little man is very happy with his cool shirt. For the little girl I make a matching skirt because twinning is winning.
On Wednesday afternoon the little man is free and we went to Ikea together. Z’s sister was playing at grandma's so I had time for some quality time with the oldest one. We had lunch, chatted and shopped.
Since my little man started school two weeks ago I couldn't resist buying a new lunch set. I sometimes manage to forget to take his lunch box out of his bag. That's when you miss out.
Mister is very happy with his new set.
Thursday I got it in my head and put the box on facebook. The little lady doesn't want it anymore so I wanted to get rid of it. Within two minutes I could make someone happy and so I was surprised with a nice package full of wine and sweets.
This weekend was all about parties and quality time again. ’In the afternoon, in the rain, we went to watch motocross. The little guy absolutely loved it.
’In the evening I was singing, dancing and drinking with friends and the husband at the same place. A wonderful evening of Nielson, Kensington and more.
The next day I could recover from this party. The damage was fortunately limited. In a broken state I built the Grimms rainbow flower with my sister.
How was your week? I like to hear it.
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